18 SEPT 2020

What lies beyond our inherent biology? Can biotechnological innovations take us out of isolation and introduce new forms of coexistence? In the midst of current crisis and forbiddance of touch, we are grasping new futures!
Touch Me is an international manifestation that explores the relationship between art and science. With Extravagant Bodies and Device_art triennials, it defines our focus on art at the intersection of science, technology, and social issues. Throughout the past 15 years, the festival programme consisted of international exhibitions, workshops, discursive programmes, and publications that brought together renowned artists, philosophers, curators and theorists.
This year the festival is interested in the paradigm shift that changes our reflections upon the present and the future of coexistence between living beings, the natural world and technology. The starting point is our present day, the ecological crisis in which the superior position of man has been displaced. Driven by post-humanistic theories in which relationships between species are horizontal and value systems obliterated, we will explore representations of the world after anthropocentrism. What happens when we truly get rid of binary oppositions nature - culture, living - non-living, human - non-human?
Davorka Begović HR - producer
Vesna Gulin HR - biologist
Jurij Krpan SI - curator and art director
Tomislav Medak HR - philosopher postdigital cultures
Ivan Novosel HR - director Human Rights House
Simon Ryle UK - ass. prof. humanities and social sciences
Barbara Scheltus NL - permaculture farmer & teacher
Koen Vanmechelen BE - artist